Healing the Mind, Body and Spirit
Healing Service
“But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities;
upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.” Isaiah 53:5.
This is a worship service specifically asking the Lord for healing of mind, body and spirit, as Scripture tells us in James 5:13-16, by prayer and anointing with oil those who so desire. We are gathering together the chil- dren of God along with His elders and praying for forgiveness and healing. Spiritual and physical well-being are closely interrelated in ways we as creatures do not fully understand. This special healing and worship op- portunity invites God through the Holy Spirit to convey His healing and loving touch to restore the health bal- ance of Body and Soul. God heals in many ways – approach Him and see what HE can do!
All are welcome – consider inviting friends and neighbors.
Let’s help our community and bring Jesus’ healing to everyone we know.
“And Jesus went throughout all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues and
pro-claiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and affliction.” Matthew 9:35.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who should come forward?
Anyone who desires to be healed of any ailment of the physical body, mind, emotional state, or spiritual soul. An example might be, an individual who has lost a loved one or who has gone through a divorce or something similar. Another example is one battling cancer or a psychological disorder. This could also be for someone who is seeking God’s help in overcoming a sin that has hold over them.
Does a person have to say why they are coming forward?
No, they do not. God already knows why they are seeking His grace and mercy.
What if I don’t have a specific need?
You are welcome to join in prayer with those who do.
Why have this service? Don’t we pray for people already?
Yes, we do. But sometimes, we as individuals can benefit from a more personal interaction with God. Consid- er confession, most of the time we have confession in a corporate manner (altogether) in worship. But there are times in which confession may be done privately in a more personal interaction with God and pastor. In the Service of the Word for Healing, we are providing an opportunity to have a personal connection to God in asking for healing.
How about the laying on of hands?
This is nothing new. Pastor lays on hands during Baptism and Confirmation Rites. Hands are laid on pastors at their installation into a congregation. We often “lay hands on” persons or groups embarking on a mission trip or service project. Consider how many times you take someone’s hand to pray before a meal or at a bed- side.
How about anointing with oil?
This may be new. But James calls for its use, just as it is used throughout the Bible. We are not using the oil for medicine, nor are there magical or sacramental properties in the oil. It is not required, the practice will be no different than those who desire to receive ashes on Ash Wednesday. The only power is God Himself who heals.